Created in 2011, by Levar Berry and Jesse Hooven at a Frisch’s in Seven Hills, Ohio. The Cincinnati have now become the longest consecutive running minor league football team in all of Southwest Ohio.
The Cincinnati Dukes play in the BCFL (Blue Collar Football League) and have played in the BCFL since it began in 2013.
Current Coaches and Staff:
Daryl “Slash” Moore – GM, Head Coach, and Offensive Coordinator. Levar “King” Berry – Owner, President, and Defensive Coordinator. Lamont – OL/DL Coach
We accept players at all levels of play. if you are former NFL or never played at all, you’ll be able to find a path to get on the field. We provide a way for guys who love the game to continuing playing for as long as they choose.
This is Pay-to-Play league. There are no million dollar contracts! If fact our owner loses money on this organization every year. Guys buy their own pads and gear. The love of the game is what we’re all about.